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Quad Shotgun

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.66 (80 Votes)



Name: Quad Shotgun
Class: 5
Type: Hitscan
Palette: Doom
Summon: QuadShotgun
Ammo Type: Shell
AltFire: Yes
Powered Mode: No
Brightmaps: No
Added States: No
Submitted: DBJ87
Decorate: DBJ87
Sounds: Id Software (Doom 3 Fire & Reload), Bad Mojo (Quad Fire)
Sprites: Id Software, 1337spy, Bgraybr, Warhawk
Sprite Edit: 1337spy (Idle Sprites), Bgraybr, Warhawk
Idea Base: Based on the QuadShotgun Zombie's Weapon by Ghastly_dragon
Four-barrelled shotgun, four boom-sticks of carnage! Simple, but effective. It deals heavy damage but the reload time causes a long delay between shots. It might use more ammo, but bullets have a higher chance to hit than the super shotgun, due to modifications made to the barrels, decreasing its horizontal spread.

archive Quad Shotgun  (92.6 KB)

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