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Skeletal Revenge

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.92 (19 Votes)



Name: Skeletal Revenge
Class: Level 4
Type: Projectile, Seeker
Palette: Custom
Summon: SkeletalRevenge
Ammotype: SoulRocketAmmoA, RevSkullBombAmmoA
AltFire: Yes
Powered Mode: No
Brightmaps: No
Actor Modifications: No
Submitted: Doomedarchviledemon
Code: Doomedarchviledemon, PillowBlaster
Sounds: Valve Software, FreeDoom, Lobotomy Software
Sprites: Doom, Blood, Touhou Hisouten, Simpletonnn, Eriance
Sprite Edits: Doomedarchviledemon
Idea Base: The utilizing of demon parts to make new weapons
A UAC weapons expert has had it with these mother eff'n Skeletons and Skulls in this mother eff'n universe! Time to take revenge and take their heads and bones to make an all new weapon. Using Lost Souls as rockets and Revenant heads as grenades they are now tools to kill their brethren. The still living Lost Souls and Revenants watch as they struggle to steer themselves away from attacking their own, but thanks to utilizing the Revenant's homing tech their struggles are in vain. A bit weaker than a regular rocket launcher, but the satisfaction of revenge is too great to not use it.

archive Skeletal Revenge  (319 KB)

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