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Hellstorm Cannon

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.35 (20 Votes)



Name: HellStorm Cannon
Class: 6
Type: Projectile
Palette: Doom
Summon: HellStormCannon
Ammo Type: ImpactGrenade (Custom)
Altfire: No
Powered Mode: No
Brightmaps: No
Actor modification: No
Submitted: Ghastly_dragon
Code: Ghastly_dragon
GLDefs: Ghastly_dragon
Sounds: Epic Games, The Funktasm
Sprites: Eriance, KDiZD Team (Projectile)
Sprite Edit: Ghastly_dragon, Infernus, Xaser
Idea Base: Fallout 3's Experimental MIRV.
The HellStorm fires a cluster of impact grenades. Individually, each impact grenade has only half the explosive potential of a rocket, but the entire cluster has a total of four times the yield, easily able to clear a swarming group or a more powerful demon with a single shot.

The drawback is that the weapon takes some skill to fire correctly. One mis-fire could smear a careless marine across the walls, and the spread itself it difficult to aim correctly. It also has a reload time greater than that of the rocket launcher, and must reload after every shot.

archive Hellstorm Cannon  (57.2 KB)
Updated Sep 1st, 2020

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