During an unfortunate end of 2012, the Realm667 was hacked by a malware-bot that compromited numerous Joomla pages in the whole web. The system took a lot of damage due to these code injections, that a complete reinstallation was necessary to make sure the pages are cleaned the malicious code was gone. In that downtime I also took the opportunity to clean, update and fix several things that have been around for a while now. After several weeks of continous development, the latest v10.0 of the Realm667 was finished - at least that was what I thought and also hoped for.
After another hacking attack in the middle of 2014, our hoster gave us two options: Removing the page from the webhost or migrating it to Joomla 3.x as a better supported version of the cms. The problem was that a migration from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.3.4 was a lot of work, especially some programming was necessary which I wasn't capable of. I had two options: Letting it die or paying someone who is able to migrate the page. After initiating a crowdfunding project, $ 1.400 have been gathered for a professional technical support, migrating the content from Joomla 1.5 to the latest version available. Thanks to all the donators around, reviving the Realm667 to v11.0 turning it into the "Rebirth Edition".