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Doom Wad Station Interview with Bob Larkin - The Interview Part 1&heading=Introduction

The Interview Part 1

Sematary: What gave you your start with mapping?
Tormentor667: I was always a big fan of doom since it was released in 1994 but I
never was really into creating my own work 'til 1998 when I found out
that it is actually possible to create usermaps for this game. I didn't
have an internet connection and the only thing I had for reference was a
cd compilation of usermaps called "BOOM" which was full of unplayable
crap and should have made me forget the idea to map for this engine, but
I was too interested and too curious about the possibility to create
your own worlds, places you have in your mind, and this was when I
started with my first maps (can be found as Unreleaseables @

Sematary: Why Tormentor as a handle?*
Tormentor667: Because I "torment" the community with my overusage of brown texturesand the amount of detail, that makes everyone's eyes hurt bad! ;)Honestly, I took it out of a dictionary when I was looking for a nice name for the doom community (yes, indeed) and I added 667 to make it as unique as possible. Right now, everything you find about Tormentor667 with Google is really my work!

Sematary: Which of your projects is your favorite?
Tormentor667: Right now it is Stronghold as it is going to be very different from all of my previous work, KDiZD is also a very great thing and I love every little piece of it but I think overal, the Torment & Torture series is my real favorite, as it is the stuff I began with, also my first successful one!

Sematary: Which do you consider your best?
Tormentor667: As my latest projects aren't released yet, I consider TNT3 as my best map so far. It had new and innovative stuff in the time it came out, no other map had (for example new monsters without overwriting old ones) and it was the map I put the most work in, the most amount of new ideas I had so far... it's old, partially full of bugs but it is still one of the coolest things I have released so far!

Sematary: Did you have any mentors [..]?`
Tormentor667: I'm not a master of scripting so I was kinda dependant to the ZDoom.org community, a place filled with kind and cooperative people that always helped me in things conerning ACS but everything that has something to do with environment and mapping was my own effort. Everything learning by doing, I teached myself from the very beginning when I first opened DETH, my first doom map editor! :) Sure, there arose questions sometimes and I am glad that there were persons like Enjay, Graf Zahl and other people who are the real base of the ZDoom community, but I learned most of the stuff I am aware of now by myself, and that makes me proud a bit ;)