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4 months 1 week ago #11 by PhoenixCyanFire
Replied by PhoenixCyanFire on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr

The Unmaker, a nightmarish creation born from the darkest depths of the Doom universe, is a weapon of unfathomable power and dread. Crafted by the infernal forces themselves, this demonic firearm embodies destruction in its purest form.
Its appearance alone is enough to instill fear, with its sleek yet ominous design adorned with arcane symbols and pulsating with an otherworldly energy.

The Unmaker is not merely a tool of destruction; it is a conduit for the forces of Hell, channeling their malevolent energies with every shot.
Its firing mechanism unleashes torrents of unholy projectiles that tear through anything in their path, leaving naught but devastation in their wake.
Each beam carries with it the essence of damnation, searing the flesh and souls of its unfortunate victims with unrelenting fury.

To wield the Unmaker is to court madness, for its power is both intoxicating and corrupting.
Those who dare to grasp its accursed grip risk being consumed by the very darkness they seek to wield.
Yet, for those who are willing to pay the ultimate price, the Unmaker offers unparalleled power against the legions of Hell, a weapon capable of turning even the most formidable adversaries into naught but ash and agony.

In the hands of the Slayer, the Unmaker becomes a weapon of righteous vengeance, a beacon of hope in the face of overwhelming darkness.
With each demon felled by its relentless fury, the Unmaker serves as a reminder that even in the depths of Hell, there is no escape from the justice of the Doom Slayer.


In Doom 64, the Unmaker is a devastating weapon that serves as one of the ultimate tools of destruction in the player's arsenal.
It is a unique and powerful weapon that becomes available to the player later in the game, typically after finding all three Demon Keys hidden throughout various levels.

Once acquired, the Unmaker unleashes torrents of dark energy upon its foes, tearing through demonic adversaries with terrifying efficiency.
Its primary fire mode emits a rapid stream of deadly energy blasts, capable of decimating even the toughest enemies in seconds.
The weapon's alternate fire mode further enhances its potency, unleashing a concentrated beam of unholy power that can carve through multiple targets with devastating precision.

What sets the Unmaker apart from other weapons is its ability to become even more formidable as the player collects additional Demon Keys.
With each key collected, the Unmaker gains additional upgrade points, enhancing its damage output and making it even deadlier against the forces of Hell.

In the hands of a skilled player, the Unmaker becomes a veritable instrument of annihilation, turning hordes of demons into nothing more than smoldering piles of ash.
Its power is unmatched, its wrath unrelenting, and its presence on the battlefield is enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the most fearsome adversaries.


Alright, Ai generated text aside, You all know the unmaker right? The famous weapon from Doom 64, that appeared later in Doom Eternal, renamed as the Unmaykr.

This is a weapon created with Maykr technology, and heavily inspired by the weaponry of the Sentinels, and refined into the ultimate destructive weapon. In Samuel Hayden's own words;
"The Unmaykr - Pure Maykr technology. Inspired by Sentinel weaponry and refined by their divine intellect. Its destructive potential... is staggering."

The Unmaker was originally planned to be included in Doom 1 and 2, however was scrapped for reasons. Many people have made their own renditions of the Alpha Unmaker, including here on Realm 667

However, What I haven't seen, is a rendition of the canon Doom 64 Unmaker. However, as many of you know, the doom 64 Unmaker doesn't fit the style of Classic doom 1 and 2, So I have changed that.
Keeping true to the spirit of the Unmaker from Doom 64, while refining it to fit the classic style.

What makes this weapon unique is its ability to be upgraded by finding Demonic Artifacts known as the Demon Keys, each key significantly upgrading the weapon's destructive power.

At first the weapon rivals the BFG, but when fully upgraded it far surpasses the BFG, and uses far less ammo.

Mappers who use this are encouraged to place Demon Keys in secret levels, and make the Unmaker a rare weapon for maximum effectiveness. You can only use one of each type of demon key,
do not give players more than one of the same demon key.

If you wish to test the unmaker, use "Summon Unmaykr" not "unmaker" as the weapon has been renamed, as to not cause confusion with the realm 667 Unmaker.

In the future, the sprites for this shall be changed to be a combination of both the Unmaykr from Doom eternal, and the Unmaker from doom 64, while still retaining a classic style. For now, It is meant to look more like the 64 one.

Custom Statusbar Hud is being worked on for displaying the keys,

To get all demon keys you can either do "Summon FullUnmaykr", "Summon DemonKey1 Summon DemonKey2 Summon DemonKey3" or "Summon DemonKey" 3 times


Credits for the Sprites goes to Zrrion The Insect,
Credits for the Brightmaps goes to MG0061
Credits for the Unmaker as a weapon goes to ID Software, and Doom 64, and Doom Eternal
Credits for the GLdefs goes to myself, and Doom 64 RTR
Credits for the Code goes to Zrrion The Insect, Doom 64 RTR, Doom 64 CE, Myself, That One Guy, and Sleg
Credits for the HUD goes to That One Guy
Credits to Doom 64 CE for the upscaled laser sound
Credits to Doom 64 for the Laser sprites


Name: Unmaykr
Class: 8
Type: Hitscan-like Projectile
Palette: Doom Palette
Summon: Unmaykr, DemonKey1, DemonKey2, DemonKey3, DemonKey, FullUnmaykr
Ammo Type: Cells
Altfire: No
Powered Mode: Yes, Using the DemonKeys
Brightmaps: Yes
Actor modification: No


Future Plans:

- Replacing the Cells ammo with souls that drop from enemies
- Adding an alt fire
- Converting to Zscript (Halfway done)
- Smoother animations
- New Original sprites combining the Unmaykr from Eternal with the 64 Unmaykr
- Sprite changes for each demon key acquired
- Better HUD
- More Brightmaps
- Dynamic lighting for the lasers
- Tracer Models (Possibly, as they are more performance friendly than how the lasers are currently working)


Lastly, Thank you for checking out this mod, It is my first mod that I put a lot of work into. I have made other mods in the past, but none on this scale. The mod is open source, so feel free to make any edits
you want to it, and if you include it in any maps, let me know, I would love to see it used and play the maps made with it!

Please enjoy, and thank you - PhoenixCyanFire


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4 months 1 week ago #12 by BFG Major Mike
Replied by BFG Major Mike on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
Question, how do you unlock the upgraded Unmakyr sprites in game?

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  • PhoenixCyanFire
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4 months 1 week ago #13 by PhoenixCyanFire
Replied by PhoenixCyanFire on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
That feature is currently only available in the BETA Zscript version (Comes packaged with the full decorate version)

Though as i said, the Zscript version is a Beta, so it doesnt work as intended, and has some bugs. im not very good with Zscript.

Im trying to get the upgraded sprites to work with the Decorate version but that will be in a future update to this.

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4 months 1 week ago #14 by BFG Major Mike
Replied by BFG Major Mike on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
I might be able to help, whats the concept on how to upgrade it? Specifically is it through demon keys or something else?

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  • PhoenixCyanFire
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4 months 1 week ago #15 by PhoenixCyanFire
Replied by PhoenixCyanFire on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
Demon keys, same as the Decorate version. Except that the Zscript version has different sprites for each stage of the Unmaykr. It gets bigger and badder.

The second sprite thumbnail i posted is the Tier 3 one.

I have sprites for Tier 0 (normal) Tier 2, and Tier 3.

I just need somebody to make sprites for Tier 1 (The one with the faster fire rate but no extra beams)

I am also still considering if I want to add an alt fire or not, I want it to be vanillaish so probably no alt-fire, but if I do end up including it, I might make a option to disable alt fires in menus.

Anyways, the Zscript version is almost complete

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4 months 1 week ago #16 by BFG Major Mike
Replied by BFG Major Mike on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
I think I got an idea

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4 months 1 week ago #17 by PhoenixCyanFire
Replied by PhoenixCyanFire on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
what is the idea?

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4 months 1 week ago #18 by BFG Major Mike
Replied by BFG Major Mike on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
When the runes are picked up, the original gun is taken away, and the new gun (with new sprites and upgrades) are given

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4 months 1 week ago #19 by PhoenixCyanFire
Replied by PhoenixCyanFire on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
How do I make it so that Give All wont give every version of the gun then? CheatNotWeapon?

I assume so but then give everything will give you 3 copies of the same weapon

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  • PhoenixCyanFire
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4 months 6 days ago #20 by PhoenixCyanFire
Replied by PhoenixCyanFire on topic [SUBMISSION] Unmaykr
Zscript version is complete. The mod fully works, and is in a good state.

ZIP file includes the current version (Zscript), as well as a old backup of the Decorate version with less features, and a WIP Beta of a version that includes alt fires.

The main file is of course the Zscript one, with the Decorate one only being here for archival/backup purposes, or if people prefer that version (as it doesnt have sprite changes when upgraded and is more simple and basic),

And the ALT version includes an alt fire, for people who play with mods with alt fires, or for stuff like Brutal doom.

Alt fire version is WIP and I do not suggest using it.

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