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[SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun

  • CaptainToenail
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6 months 3 weeks ago - 6 months 23 hours ago #1 by CaptainToenail
[SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun was created by CaptainToenail
Ok here is the updated Ice Crystal Gun from the Weapons Resource Wad thread.

What I have done:

- recreated the weapon sprites with a new frosty theme, animation and hands. They are now widescreen friendly
- recoded in zscript
- editor tags
- decal added
- dynamic lighting added
- brightmaps added
- png & ogg files
- pk3 format
- added a kick altfire to smash frozen enemies
- ice shards now embed in enemies first before exploding

Code: Daniel, Kan3, Sir Robin, Captain Toenail
GLDefs: lights.pk3, Captain Toenail
Sounds: Unknown (wrw.wad)
Sprites: DukeNukem3D, Heretic, Hexen, HacX, Daniel, Marty Kira, Sgt_Mark_IV, Craneo
Sprite Edit: Captain Toenail
Idea Base: Daniel's Crystal Gun from the Weapons Resource Wad.

Name: Ice Crystal Gun
Class: 5
Type: Projectile
Palette: Custom
Summon: CrystalGun
Ammo Type: CrystalAmmo
Altfire: Yes
Powered Mode: No
Brightmaps: Yes
Actor modification: No

Daniel's Ice Crystal Gun from the Weapons Resource Wad. Now with new
graphics, effects and a kick attack!

This frigid weapon thrusts spikes of magical crystalline ice towards the
enemy. These will seek out and embed themselves in their target, before
promptly exploding, dealing additional ice damage.
Last edit: 6 months 23 hours ago by CaptainToenail. Reason: updated weapon code

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  • DeVloek
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6 months 3 weeks ago #2 by DeVloek
Replied by DeVloek on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun
So cool! ;)

I really like what you did with this gun and the projectile, looks so much better now.

I have only one criticism. The projectile seeks out monsters that are already frozen, which is a waste of ammo and can be annoying when fighting several monsters that are close together. GZdoom's auto-aim feature aims at frozen monsters as well.
This became apparent on Map02, in those narrow corridors the weapon is much less effective because of all the frozen zombies catching the ice crystals that were shot at other nearby monsters.
No idea if there's a way to fix this behavior directly. If there isn't, maybe make the frozen monster shatter if it is hit by another crystal?

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  • CaptainToenail
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6 months 3 weeks ago - 6 months 3 weeks ago #3 by CaptainToenail
Replied by CaptainToenail on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun
Understood DeVloek.

[strike]I'm currently looking into if it is possible to extend the A_GenericFreezeDeath function to add the NOTAUTOAIMED and CANTSEEK flags to the frozen corpses. However, it seems zscript does not allow the modification of the root Actor class(?). Perhaps there is another way I can transfer these flags to the victims.

This lets you smash frozen enemies with the crystal projectiles but I'm not happy with it. I'll keep tinkering away.

XDeath: // Hit enemy
TNT1 A 0 A_StopSound (5);
TNT1 A 0 A_CheckFlag ("ICECORPSE", "Smash", AAPTR_TRACER);
goto Stuck;
TNT1 A 0 A_DamageTracer((1), "None");
TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("WarpStuckCrystal", 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SXF_NOCHECKPOSITION | SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS | SXF_SETMASTER);

Nevermind all that, there is an ICESHATTER flag! Weapon updated.
Last edit: 6 months 3 weeks ago by CaptainToenail.

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  • Gothic
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6 months 1 day ago #4 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun
When you die, the weapon stays on your HUD

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  • CaptainToenail
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6 months 23 hours ago #5 by CaptainToenail
Replied by CaptainToenail on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun
That's really not good - thanks for catching that Gothic. :ohno:

I am not entirely sure why that was happening, but I have added an additional health check to deselect the weapon when health is lower than 1, and clear the kick layer also. that seems to resolve it. The file in the first post has been updated.

The kick now also matches the player's uniform colour.

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  • Gothic
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6 months 15 hours ago - 6 months 15 hours ago #6 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun
I'm leaving this thread open for a while because it seems the Blaster Pistol has the same problem, so if you want to update it, post it here.
Last edit: 6 months 15 hours ago by Gothic.

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  • CaptainToenail
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5 months 4 weeks ago #7 by CaptainToenail
Replied by CaptainToenail on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun
See attached for the fixed Blaster Pistol.

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  • Gunslahyer_Pi
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5 months 4 weeks ago #8 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun
Good concept, wrong format.

Unfortunately with zscript, use of advanced syntaxes creates issues with versions of GzDoom and other ports.

"XF_THRUSTLESS" Unknown indentifier. I'm all for pushing the Doom engine; however it will make it difficult for modders to introduce into their projects using older versions.

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  • Gothic
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5 months 4 weeks ago #9 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun
The old code from the WRW version is included, so if modders want to aim at very old versions of zdoom, the option is there.

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  • Gunslahyer_Pi
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5 months 4 weeks ago - 5 months 4 weeks ago #10 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic [SUBMISSION] Ice Crystal Gun

I will review the old Decorate script and post my review.


Following errors in the decorate..

Gldefs line 126
Non-existent actor

Gldefs line 136
Non-existent actor

Gldefs line 142
Non-existent actor

Script errors;

Line 4 - unknown actor class

Line 5 - unknown actor class

Hope this helps.
Last edit: 5 months 4 weeks ago by Gunslahyer_Pi.

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