
Name: Franchi SPAS-12
Class: 3
Type: Hitscan
Palette: Doom
Summon: SPAS12
Ammo Type: Shells
Altfire: Pump/Semi switch.
Powered Mode: No
Brightmaps: No
Actor modification: No
Submitted: LossForWords
Code: LossForWords
Sprites: iD Software, Eurocom, Joblez, Valve, LossForWords
Sounds: Monolith
Chances are, you've seen this one before.
Be it with a double-barrel mode or a picatinny rail, you could recognize that heatshield anywhere.
While it's size and that tiny latch button make it a bit of a pain to handle, it's got 8 shots in the tube, good accuracy and good damage.
Altfire chooses between pump or semi.
Semi fires faster, at the cost of accuracy, while pump's slower, but it's spread is a lot tighter.
Reloading on an empty mag requires you to rack that first shot in, so stay topped off if you wanna avoid that.
Archive Franchi SPAS12 (181 KB)