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[SUBMISSION] Burning Man

  • Gunslahyer_Pi
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2 years 6 months ago - 2 years 6 months ago #11 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
This is perfect! Just what I was looking for! 

I'm creating a Doom 3 inspired campaign for Doom 2. The burning dude will be a great addition to the beastiary! 
I'll be able to create the situation where there is an explosion in a sector then this guy will run towards you, after 
you've "dealt" with him then you go to where the explosion was and you'll see the affected area with fire and sparks.

Thanks bro!

You the man!

Edit: Why hasn't this mod been added to the featured or standard library yet? It's awesome! I know a dozen developers who would
use this!
Last edit: 2 years 6 months ago by Gunslahyer_Pi. Reason: It's Friday.

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  • Gothic
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2 years 6 months ago #12 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
I still have my doubts on how useful can this be to modders, so I'm holding on this one.

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  • doomedarchviledemon
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2 years 6 months ago #13 by doomedarchviledemon
Replied by doomedarchviledemon on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
To go with Gothic, I do find the utility of this as an enemy to be quite limited, but I do think it could be used as a prop.

1. The enemy seems to be built less to be something that actively seeks out to attack the player like a typical enemy would and more of a hazardous obstacle. Even though the enemy has an active A_Chase and can deal damage to the player if they get too close, it doesn't mean it fits best as an enemy. It is meant to kill itself after a short period which makes this very hard to be viable as an enemy since its usability is limited to those first few seconds of it being activated.
2. It can serve the function as a prop with limited enemy qualities, much like how a few of my items work, like the Starving Rat. The Starving Rat starts out as a minor damaging enemy, but when killed it functions as a morphing item. In the case of the Burning Man, it would start out as a minor damaging enemy, but when killed turns into an environmental hazard. (Note that if used as a prop it shouldn't count towards the kill count. I just noticed this on my Starving Rat and will submit an update for it accordingly later on)

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  • Gunslahyer_Pi
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2 years 5 months ago #14 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
I find this useful for the cinematic value. For example, once triggered; the burning dude can be used for initial disaster intro based campaigns. There's a LOT of uses for this particular actor.


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2 years 3 months ago #15 by KILLA DIO
Replied by KILLA DIO on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
Should I just move this to a different section? As an enemy it doesnt seem to have any chance of being approved anytime soon.

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  • DBJ87
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2 years 2 months ago #16 by DBJ87
Replied by DBJ87 on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man

Should I just move this to a different section? As an enemy it doesnt seem to have any chance of being approved anytime soon.
Wandering if this could be added as a destroyable Decoration/Object instead of a Monster, might help get it uploaded & seeing as the idea is to have it running for a few seconds just to burn to death, would it be a better choice there?

A lot of uses for this, cinematic, ambushes from scripted events, even using it for Fire death animation for Humans/Zombies.

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  • CaptainToenail
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2 years 2 months ago - 2 years 2 months ago #17 by CaptainToenail
Replied by CaptainToenail on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
There is a lot of potential for a burning monster like this.

Think of the burning zombie from Doom3
Or Crispin from Timesplitters

Imagine a flaming demon type monster. The demon itself would be blackened and burnt looking and you could use A_Warp to spawn flames on the monster itself (similar to the Rictus), and perhaps have radius damage around the monster as an area of denial attack. Or imagine a super archvile that's always wreathed in flames.

I think the main issue with this one is that the sprites don't really match the existing Doom artwork which will limit its usage. The Soul Harvester or Zombie Fodder sprites would be good to use as a base for this kind of monster imho.
Last edit: 2 years 2 months ago by CaptainToenail.

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  • Gothic
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1 year 3 months ago #18 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
So, what's the veredict: Yes, No, or Wait.
If it's Wait, then I'll give it one more month to get work done.

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  • inkoalawetrust
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1 year 2 months ago #19 by inkoalawetrust
Replied by inkoalawetrust on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
Wait probably.

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  • Gothic
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1 year 1 month ago #20 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Burning Man
Killa Dio's last login was 11 months ago, I don't think I could wait anymore. Closing

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