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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #1 by Ganbare-Lucifer
[SUBMISSION] Rat King was created by Ganbare-Lucifer
Name: Rat King
Difficulty: Medium
Connection: Small Rat, Giant Rat (Included in the file if needed)
Summon: RatKing
Melee: Yes
Distance: Yes, Rock
Type: Animal, Demon
Submitted: Ganbare-Lucifer
Decorate: Ganbare-Lucifer, Captain Toenail
Sounds: YouTube
Sprites: 3D Engine Technologies (Mars - The Ultimate Warrior)
Idea Base: Rat King Concept
Legends say of a rodent monarch demon that rules on the rats, when encountered, he will throw rocks and summon three small or one giant rat to help him in the fight. Upon falling, he will summon five small or three giant rats in one last attempt to take you down.

Last edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Ganbare-Lucifer. Reason: New Link

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  • Kan3
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1 year 2 months ago #2 by Kan3
Replied by Kan3 on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King
I like the idea and the sprites so far, but I think there are quite a few issue.
  • First the sprites: the "X2X8s" rotations don't look right, they look more like different animation frames than the usual 45° rotation
  • You're using deprecated functions, but I think this can just left as it is due to compatibility stuff
  • The small rats that get spawned when the monster dies get stuck into each other: this happens because you're spawning them with just a 15 map units distance from one another, while their diameter is 16 (same goes for the dig summon and especially with giant rats that have an even bigger hitbox).

These are the "concrete" issues that I found, though I think this needs a few tweaks:
  • I would remove the spawning rats if target is close, it doesn't make much sense and the monster becomes pretty vulnerable, on the contrary I would make him spawn the rats if the player is far away, especially considering the fact that its projectiles have gravity and cannot travel too far. Also this way the rats can become a little meat shield for the "king" if autoaiming is on. Because of this, I would also add a melee attack (nothing fancy, in my opinion you could directly go fo a A_CustomComboAttack
  • The small rats get spawned in a straight line, which is kinda odd: I suggest you to add some randomness and spread (so like random(16,48) for the x and random(0,360) for the angle) and possibly some x/y and z velocity, to give the effect of rats running out from the dig. (though if the rats get stuck into one another with the randomness, just go for fixed values)

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  • Gothic
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1 year 2 months ago #3 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King
Mediafire links are forbidden from now on. Please use a different hosting service.

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  • Ganbare-Lucifer
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1 year 2 months ago #4 by Ganbare-Lucifer
Replied by Ganbare-Lucifer on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King
Updated with new Google Drive Link

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  • Gothic
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1 year 2 months ago #5 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King
The death sprites on both regular and extreme death should have their offsets lowered a bis so they look like they're lying on the floor instead of floating.

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  • Ganbare-Lucifer
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1 year 2 months ago #6 by Ganbare-Lucifer
Replied by Ganbare-Lucifer on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King

The death sprites on both regular and extreme death should have their offsets lowered a bis so they look like they're lying on the floor instead of floating.

Fixed and updated now.

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  • Gothic
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1 year 2 months ago #7 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King
The rock attack doesn't trigger properly, you may need to raise the radius check a little more (close to 200). And if it is intended to trigger when you're close, then you need to reduce the pitch of the projectile, it's too easy to miss.

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  • Ganbare-Lucifer
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1 year 2 months ago #8 by Ganbare-Lucifer
Replied by Ganbare-Lucifer on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King

The rock attack doesn't trigger properly, you may need to raise the radius check a little more (close to 200). And if it is intended to trigger when you're close, then you need to reduce the pitch of the projectile, it's too easy to miss.

Changed JumpIfCloser radius to 200 and updated.

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  • Gothic
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1 year 2 months ago #9 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King
The arc of the projectile is still a problem, you need to reduce the pitch to random(5,10) so it doesn't go over your head. Also raise the radius check to 256, I screwed up in my previous post.
About the sounds, I find the see sound really annoying to listen. I edited the sound to be shorter if you want to use it, or find something else.

Attachment not found

The digging sound doesn't play because there's a typo in the SNDINFO, and because the function needs to have the NoDelay keyword:

DIGG A 2 NoDelay A_PlaySound("RatDig")

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  • Ganbare-Lucifer
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1 year 2 months ago #10 by Ganbare-Lucifer
Replied by Ganbare-Lucifer on topic [SUBMISSION] Rat King
All changes done and updated.

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