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[UPDATE] UAC Battle Rifle

  • TyrannotitanFan
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1 month 1 week ago #1 by TyrannotitanFan
[UPDATE] UAC Battle Rifle was created by TyrannotitanFan
It's been a while, huh?

Name: UAC Battle Rifle
Class: 4
Type: Hitscan
Palette: Doom
Summon: UACBattleRifle
Ammo Type: Clip

Submitted: TyrannotitanFan
Code: TyrannotitanFan
Sounds: Firearms Source Team, Triune Digital, Navaro
Sprites: Mike12
Idea Base: Battle Rifle from Brutal Doom, Zombieman Rifle from Realm667

The good ol' UAC Standard Battle Rifle, this time with faster rate of fire and is able to reload after 20 shots.

Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3rz1ore7ldsfgo5bdxulq/UAC_Battle_Rifle.pk3?rlkey=kf4swokicjld47jyh9tlas9oy&st=4yu5o00b&dl=0

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  • Gothic
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1 month 1 week ago - 1 month 1 week ago #2 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [UPDATE] UAC Battle Rifle
It could use an extra check at the beginning of the reload state, so it doesn't reload if you haven't fire yet:
Fire: TNT1 A 0 A_Gunflash UACR A 2 A_FireBullets(3, 2, 1, 6, "BulletPuff") UACR B 2 UACR A 2 A_CheckForReload(20, "Fired") Goto Reload+1 Reload: UACR F 0 A_CheckforReload(1,"Ready",true) UACR F 2 A_CheckReload UACR G 2 UACR H 2 UACR I 2 UACR O 2 A_Playsound ("UACMO") UACR N 2 UACR M 3 UACR L 3 UACR K 4 UACR J 7 A_Playsound ("CLOTH") UACR K 4 UACR L 3 UACR M 3 UACR N 2 A_Playsound ("UACMI") UACR O 2 UACR P 2 UACR I 2 UACR H 2 UACR G 2 A_ResetReloadCounter UACR F 2 A_ReFire Goto Ready
Also you should convert the sounds to ogg
Last edit: 1 month 1 week ago by Gothic.

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  • TyrannotitanFan
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1 month 1 week ago #3 by TyrannotitanFan
Replied by TyrannotitanFan on topic [UPDATE] UAC Battle Rifle
I didn't knew that you can do "Goto Reload+1" xD
"The more you know" I guess - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3rz1ore7ldsfgo5bdxulq/UAC_Battle_Rifle.pk3?rlkey=kf4swokicjld47jyh9tlas9oy&st=j4gzyrxr&dl=0

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  • Gothic
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1 month 1 week ago #4 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic [UPDATE] UAC Battle Rifle

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