[READ THIS] Item Store Submission Rules
10 years 5 months ago - 1 month 3 weeks ago #1
by Tormentor667
[READ THIS] Item Store Submission Rules was created by Tormentor667
If you are submitting a powerup to the Realm667 Item Store, please read these rules, and follow the submission template. It makes the job of adding them so much easier, and if a submission doesn't follow the rules, it won't be added until it does, or it could be flat-out rejected.
General Submission Rules
can be found on the left side of the page in the info box called "SUBMISSION RULES". Make sure to check the mouseover-tooltips for details. Categorie-specific submission rules can be found below.
Category-Specific Rules
Submission Template
Name: What is the name of this item?
Type: What kind of powerup or item is it? Health? Regeneration powerup? Something else?
Palette: The kind of palette the item uses (e.g. Strife, Doom, Heretic or Custom)
Summon: The actor name for the powerup. While it's called the Tome of Power, the actor name is ArtiTomeofPower. The actor name is helpful to know, so players don't have to dig through the wad to find it, to use with the Summon cheat.
Use type: Is the powerup used immediately when you grab it (Instant), or is it stored for later (Inventory)?
Duration: How long does the powerup last (in seconds?) If it doesn't have any duration (health, armor, things that wouldn't), just say "Instant". If the powerup lasts an entire map (e.g. the Berserk Pack), say "Map", but if it lasts forever (e.g. the Backpack), say "Infinite".
Brightmaps: Does the item have brightmaps?
Actor modification: Does the item require modification to an existing actor to work properly? Custom actor states and virtual function overrides are an example of such modification.
ACS: Does the submission use ACS, with LoadACS?
Code: Who wrote the code?
GLDefs: Who wrote the GLDefs? If there are none, just leave it out.
Sounds: Where did the sounds come from, and who edited them?
Sprites: Where did the original sprites come from? Who made them?
Sprite Edit: If the sprites were edited from something else, who edited them?
Idea Base: If your decoration was inspired by something, what was it inspired by?
People prefer to know exactly what they're downloading, before they download it.
Put a preview sprite of the powerup or item. Use an image upload site like Imgur.
Download Link:
Either upload to a site like DropBox or Google Drive, or just attach it to your post. Please choose one that shouldn't expire, because it might expire before we can add it.
General Submission Rules
can be found on the left side of the page in the info box called "SUBMISSION RULES". Make sure to check the mouseover-tooltips for details. Categorie-specific submission rules can be found below.
Category-Specific Rules
- Use paletted PNGs for sprites. Since PNGs ignore palette, or adapt to the IWad being used, it makes it much easier to use the monsters in different games. Make sure the sprites are paletted (256 color palette).
- Use OGG or FLAC for sounds. They are much more compressed formats without any (noticable) quality loss. There are several programs to convert to one of these formats, such as Audacity.
- Make sure it is a pk3 file placed inside a zip. Sort your content into apropriate folders so it is easier for modders to implement your weapon into their mod.
- Include GLDefs, if necessary. If you can't write them yourself, then you can have someone else write them.
- Include information, from the template below, in both the submission post, and in the wad itself, in an INFO lump.
- Include credits. Like information, include credit information (from the template) in both the submission post and in the wad itself, in a CREDITS lump.
- Custom pain and death states on players and monsters are allowed to a degree. If you use these, include a modified monster (Custom Doom Imp with the pain state, for example) as a demonstration. DO NOT go overboard with these, however. Include instructions in the INFO lump, as well.
- ACS and ZSCRIPT allowed, however, it must be open-source (include the source code in its own lump). Leave comments saying how things work. Additionally, try to use named scripts, to reduce the chances that they'll conflict with scripts on a map, for example.
- Follow the template, below, in your submission post.
- Tag it as a submission. Use the right topic icons with an apropriate prefix, like the blue S icon with [SUBMISSION] in your title.
- If you are updating something already on the repo, tag it as an update. Use the right topic icon here as well with the purple U and a [UPDATE] prefix
Submission Template
Name: What is the name of this item?
Type: What kind of powerup or item is it? Health? Regeneration powerup? Something else?
Palette: The kind of palette the item uses (e.g. Strife, Doom, Heretic or Custom)
Summon: The actor name for the powerup. While it's called the Tome of Power, the actor name is ArtiTomeofPower. The actor name is helpful to know, so players don't have to dig through the wad to find it, to use with the Summon cheat.
Use type: Is the powerup used immediately when you grab it (Instant), or is it stored for later (Inventory)?
Duration: How long does the powerup last (in seconds?) If it doesn't have any duration (health, armor, things that wouldn't), just say "Instant". If the powerup lasts an entire map (e.g. the Berserk Pack), say "Map", but if it lasts forever (e.g. the Backpack), say "Infinite".
Brightmaps: Does the item have brightmaps?
Actor modification: Does the item require modification to an existing actor to work properly? Custom actor states and virtual function overrides are an example of such modification.
ACS: Does the submission use ACS, with LoadACS?
Code: Who wrote the code?
GLDefs: Who wrote the GLDefs? If there are none, just leave it out.
Sounds: Where did the sounds come from, and who edited them?
Sprites: Where did the original sprites come from? Who made them?
Sprite Edit: If the sprites were edited from something else, who edited them?
Idea Base: If your decoration was inspired by something, what was it inspired by?
People prefer to know exactly what they're downloading, before they download it.
Put a preview sprite of the powerup or item. Use an image upload site like Imgur.
Download Link:
Either upload to a site like DropBox or Google Drive, or just attach it to your post. Please choose one that shouldn't expire, because it might expire before we can add it.
Last edit: 1 month 3 weeks ago by Gothic.
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