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Weapon concepts

  • Margaret Thatcher
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1 year 7 months ago - 1 year 7 months ago #1 by Margaret Thatcher
Weapon concepts was created by Margaret Thatcher
These were concieved as replacing the base game's weapons, DeHackEd style. No idea how to code so need help. Please tell me if these ideas are terrible or not.

One-Two Punch 

Throws 2 punches in the time it takes to throw one in the base game. Each punch does 6 damage, 60 when Berserk. Fires at a consistent rate when held down. Hardcoded to always gib when berserk.

The closest analogue to this weapins would be the fists in All Hell Is Breaking Loose.

Weed Whacker 

A weed whacker with a circular saw on the end. Always does 6 damage, and has more range than the normal chainsaw.

I wanted to make a chainsaw that wasn't just outclassed by Berserk Fists.


Does 3x damage, but consumes 2 bullets. Fire rate in between regular Pistol and Shotgun, no horizontal spread on consecutive shots

I wanted a pistol that doesn't become useless once you get something else.

Break-Action Shotgun  

Shoots 10 pellets, slower fire rate and vertical spread.

You know how the SSG is Double-Barrel? Well this one's Single-Barrel.

Assault Shotgun

Shoots 14 pellets, fires at rate of regular Shotgun without vertical spread.

Sprites would probably look like the beta SSG.

Mastermind's Chaingun

Consumes 2 bullets and functions are the same as a Spiderdemon's Chaingun, except 1 shot is always accurate.

I feel like the Chaingun falls off once you get the SSG and Plasma Rifle, so I wanted to apply SSG thinking (make it 3x as powerful but consume 2x the ammo)


Fires a bunch of tiny grenades (3-15 in multiples of 3 with a blast radius of 36) at a fast rate like the Heretic Firemace.

Really don't know how to feel on this. Open to suggestion.

LBR 2250 (Little Bitch Ripper/Laser Barrage Rifle) 

Consumes 10 ammo, Shoots out 10 BFG tracers in a 22° cone at a Shotgun's fire rate.

The Plasma Rifle never sat right with me, so I changed it to my liking. Based on the wimpy BFG from Doom: Annihilation.

 H2H-XMAS (Head-To-Head Christmas/Halderman Two-Hundred Experimental Multiple Attack Salvo)

Similar to BFG in Press Release Beta, but it fires instantly, projectiles are double speed, and shots ignore enemy collision (so they go through and keep doing damage). Costs 60 cells.

My thought process behind the Shotgun and Cell weapons was to make one weapon function more like their more/less powerful equivalent. I need a better acronym.
Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by Margaret Thatcher.

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1 year 7 months ago #2 by inkoalawetrust
Replied by inkoalawetrust on topic Weapon concepts
The text seems to mostly be black for some reason.

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  • Gunslahyer_Pi
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1 year 7 months ago #3 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic Weapon concepts
There's a LOT of shotgun variations in the armory already. However, I'd be down for a new style of single shot break action. 

Would these proposals be for the Brutal/Black doom style or more vanilla animations?

I'm always looking for new hardware for my .wad. I've found a sprite set over on Doomworld which reminds of the Stinger mining gun from Unreal Championship. 

I was gonna code it out and use it.
Can't wait to see what you've got planned!

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  • Margaret Thatcher
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1 year 7 months ago #4 by Margaret Thatcher
Replied by Margaret Thatcher on topic Weapon concepts
The anims are more vanilla. Happy to have you code for me though.

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1 year 7 months ago #5 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic Weapon concepts
I love that. I can script the anims and functions depending on what you're concept looks like.

I've been trying to recreate an accident I had when I was compiling the plasmatic rifle to decorate where the shots against the wall threw out blue sparks.

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  • Margaret Thatcher
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1 year 7 months ago - 1 year 7 months ago #6 by Margaret Thatcher
Replied by Margaret Thatcher on topic Weapon concepts
General: NO 3D PRERENDERS UNLESS THE MODEL IS FREELY AVAILABLE. One of my pet peeves is seeing a 3D prerender that I can't have the model of (Which is real funny considering I really like Mario RPG and Sonic 3D Blast)

One-Two: Same as AHiBL

Weed Whacker: Same as Chainsaw, just as a Weed Whacker

Rifle: Like the Rifle in Doom 0.5

Break-Action: Speed between base Shotgun and SSG, do what ya want for the sprites

Assault Shotgun: Can use Tactical Shotgun/Beta SSG's sprites

Mastermind's Chaingun: Make it look like the black 6-barrel the Mastermind uses

Mulcher: I'm really on the fence with this one, do what you want as long as it shoots weakish grenades at a decent rate

LBR: Some Plasma-Rifle-ish thing with the Beta BFG's tube thingy at the end

H2H: Go crazy
Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by Margaret Thatcher.

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  • Gunslahyer_Pi
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1 year 7 months ago #7 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic Weapon concepts
I want this. Unreal Tournament Stinger. It's my wet dream. <3

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