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Help with Sprites and Scripts

  • chrislm82
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7 years 1 month ago #1 by chrislm82
Help with Sprites and Scripts was created by chrislm82
I use GZDoom builder and slade 3.

I wanna get more familiar with sprites and scripts, and wanna start with something simple.

I am wondering first what is good program to make sprites, and how to implement them into builder.
Also, how do I take an exisiting sprite and make it look different.

I am wanting to take the lab glass and make it where when they get destroyed it leaves a little puddle behind.

I am sure a script is also required for this and assistant on that would be great also.


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  • BadMojo
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7 years 1 month ago - 7 years 1 month ago #2 by BadMojo
Replied by BadMojo on topic Help with Sprites and Scripts
Well firstly, you'll need something better than paint to do any real sprite and texture work, Id recommend GIMP for starters, its free and does almost everything photoshop can do.

Second, you might want to have a good look at some of the things in the repository here at Realm, open them up in slade and find out how things work, its the best way to learn. You might also want to check out: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Tutorials

As for what your trying to accomplish, yes, youll need some form of either DECORATE or ZScript. A way you could probably do it is by looking at the code for the commander keen enemy in the gzdoom.pk3 file under zscript/doom/keen.txt. You should be able to tweak it to use your lab glass sprite for the spawn state, and the smash animation ending with a puddle on the ground for the death state, then give it really low health so that it geta destroyed with the first shot.

If you have sprites for it, I can whip up an example for you.
Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by BadMojo.

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  • DBJ87
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7 years 1 month ago #3 by DBJ87
Replied by DBJ87 on topic Help with Sprites and Scripts
There's a couple of useful places to look at on Youtube. When it comes to the basics of Scripts, Map Building & more recently the more complicated parts of Scripts such as the use of integers, booleans & how to set them up with some very in depth explanations on what is being done. One channel in particular that might interest you & has helped me (when the Doom Wiki has become too confusing) a lot is ChubzDoomer.


Working with sprites is mostly (from my experience) basically trial & error. I'm nowhere near as good as the majority of users here, still on the early learning curve when it comes to actually creating my own so can't say much else, but like BadMojo has said, you'll need something more better than paint to start off with.

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  • chrislm82
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7 years 1 month ago #4 by chrislm82
Replied by chrislm82 on topic Help with Sprites and Scripts
Thanks for the help. Hopefully I'll be able to figure this stuff out. I use to do this doom leveling back with DCK which is a dos editor which is very limited and now with all this new advancements bascially the sky the limit.

The lab glass I found in the repository and all is does is gets destroyed but wanna add the puddle afterwards.

I watched quite a big of chubz tutorials, and even ones done by DoomHQ. learned quite a bit.

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  • BadMojo
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7 years 1 month ago - 7 years 1 month ago #5 by BadMojo
Replied by BadMojo on topic Help with Sprites and Scripts

chrislm82 wrote: The lab glass I found in the repository and all is does is gets destroyed but wanna add the puddle afterwards.

Ahh I see, ok well youll need sprites for that first of all. I can put you in the right direction code wise, its really simple.

Open up the wad in slade, click on the DECORATE lump, and compare this small addition of code I added to the first actor... this should give you a good idea on how to accomplish what you want:
ACTOR flaskblueA { mass 1500 Health 1 Radius 7 Height 17 +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +ACTIVATEMCROSS +DONTGIB +NOICEDEATH RenderStyle Translucent DeathSound "tubes/break" States { Spawn: FLKS A -1 loop Death: NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard1", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard1", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard1", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard2", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard2", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard2", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard1", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard1", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard1", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard2", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard2", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx ("Flaskshard2", 0, 0, random (3, 5), random (-5, 5), random (-5, 5), random (1, 2), 0, 0, 30) NULL A 0 A_Scream FLKS ABCD 5 //Here... FLKS E -1 //And here Stop } }
Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by BadMojo.

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