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8 years 5 months ago #61 by MagicWazard
Replied by MagicWazard on topic The WIP Thread
Sounds like fun. I'm a fan of anything related to Zelda II; I feel that to this day the game remains highly underappreciated. I also like that the different helmets influence the behavior of the body--extra details like that are always appreciated. I had a couple questions/suggestions:

*So was the armor suit body going to be the Evil Knight's sprite? Or had you decided on that yet?

*Since Helmet Head's final form is helmetless, it seems like it could be appropriate to have the same here. A good helmetless head would be the Revenant's, or maybe the Arch-Vile's, especially if you're already using the skeletal Evil Knight as the body. Of course, you'd have to come up with some new behaviors, both for the stand-alone Zardaz helmet, and for whatever the helmetless head would be.

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8 years 5 months ago #62 by doomedarchviledemon
Replied by doomedarchviledemon on topic The WIP Thread
I would like to use the Evil Knight's sprites, though I have no idea where this Bullfrog guy is to ask if I can use their sprites for this. I also couldn't figure out what game the enemy is from either since the only thing I have to go off of from the credits is that it is a Raven Software game and after searching I didn't find anything.
If not the Evil Knight's sprites then I'll probably have to make some myself. Not sure how well that will work out though. The reason why I'd like to use the Evil Knight is because it's already a full suit of armor.

The original idea was that the suit of armor is actually empty on the inside and possessed by the spirits of other dead monsters who originally wore the five helmets. When a helmet is knocked off the suit of armor can be seen without a head on it shoulders until a new helmet appears a few seconds after, either by fading into place or appearing to come out from within the armor itself. Another reason why I wanted the armor to be empty was because I had the idea of the final death of the enemy being that all of the armor pieces fall down in a pile.
I have thought about the final form of this enemy actually be headless as a matter of fact. I wouldn't mind doing that of course, but I need some kind of ideas for the attacks for the armor and the helmet itself. I am open to suggestions for attacks with the armor with Zardaz's helmet on, headless armor, and Zardaz's helmet alone. All of the others I think I am ok with at the moment, but still always open for more suggestions.

...now that I think of it. The whole spirits of five previous enemies all in one suit of armor gave me another idea on expanding this enemy even more. You can't have these five spirits just come out of nowhere now can you? I am going to have to make five separate enemies, mini bosses I guess, of these guys and include them to make this whole thing come together! :haha:

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8 years 5 months ago #63 by MagicWazard
Replied by MagicWazard on topic The WIP Thread
Bullfrog was the company that made Dungeon Keeper, amongst other things--one of the Dungeon Keeper games is where these sprites came from. (Coincidentally, they also did the excellent PS2 version of Quake III, which contained a couple of Dungeon Keeper mascots as unlockable characters.) So these sprites are technically professionally sourced; you should be able to re-use them without problems.

I like the idea of five minibosses acting as foreshadowing for this particular monster, too. Having a little bit of fiction behind a concept generally makes it more gratifying.

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8 years 5 months ago #64 by doomedarchviledemon
Replied by doomedarchviledemon on topic The WIP Thread
T_T Boy do I feel a little dumb now lol. I swear I searched Bullfrog as a company as well and I didn't see anything. I've never even played Dungeon Keeper before so I would have never guessed to look that up. Thank you for pointing that out.

I am glad that you like the idea so far. For the minibosses I am probably going to use stock enemies from Heretic and Hexen and change their heads, as well as give them different mechanics to fit each personality along with a few other edits. I could also include all of these enemies in a pack like my worms, which I will also be working on again later to fix the issues you brought up. Either way, I'll see about getting these sprites worked on first and hopefully get something show worthy soon.

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8 years 5 months ago #65 by MagicWazard
Replied by MagicWazard on topic The WIP Thread
Well, I'd say worry more about the actual boss than the minibosses for now. Ambition's great, but not if you keep setting the bar so high you eventually can't even reach it. :)

P.S. I've never played Dungeon Keeper either. I only know who they are from random happenstance (probably from the aforementioned Quake III port more than anything).

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  • CaptainManiac
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8 years 5 months ago #66 by CaptainManiac
Replied by CaptainManiac on topic The WIP Thread
Do someone know when Horde of Titans:GORE will come oficially?

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8 years 1 month ago #67 by MagicWazard
Replied by MagicWazard on topic The WIP Thread
I really need to get off my ass and get some of these custom monsters finished...

The behavior for all these guys is pretty much finished; I just can't seem to muster up the energy to finish all the sprite editing for all of them. I've been kind of busy recently with 3D modeling/3D printing projects (that I hope might turn into an eventual business venture), so I've pushed most of this kind of stuff to the back-burner. A lot of it's close to completion, though--if I could just set aside a weekend or two...

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  • DBJ87
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8 years 1 month ago #68 by DBJ87
Replied by DBJ87 on topic The WIP Thread

I really need to get off my ass and get some of these custom monsters finished...

They look like real badasses! I like the look of the new Zombies & Demon, love to see these guys in action :)

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7 years 11 months ago #69 by MagicWazard
Replied by MagicWazard on topic The WIP Thread
It's a little off-topic, but if anyone's been wondering what I've been up to the last couple months besides helping moderate the forums...
...this is largely what's been keeping me busy. I'm not actively working on any Doom projects at the moment or even playing the new Xbox One I bought to play the new Doom on. :\ Seems like there's never enough time in the day for everything.

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  • Salahmander
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7 years 11 months ago #70 by Salahmander
Replied by Salahmander on topic The WIP Thread

Just a little something I've been working on, got an alpha release if anyone is interested, link is here.


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